Thursday, October 1, 2015

                           HOW TO REMOVE COMPUTER VIRUSES.


                       So people have been asking me how they can remove viruses from their flash drives as well as from their computers. Well all I have to say is that there are many types of viruses and therefore they require different means to get rid of. But I will give you ways on how to remove MOST viruses on your PC or laptop.
       1. Make use of antivirus software’s. For those making use of windows 8  /8.1  /10,  I highly recommend to you to use windows defender. To me it is the best antivirus that I have ever come across and which i use since i am using windows 8.1. For those using windows 7 and below you can use Kaspersky antivirus which has to be paid for and for those looking for free antivirus that's powerful, Panda antivirus will do the job perfectly. :-)
     2. Open control panel in your computer and uninstall any software that seems out of the ordinary for you. Or one which you did not verify for its installation.
    3. Completely format the drive. This might seem rather harsh but it’s a very effective method of deleting viruses from your computer. (Thus should be used as the last resort!!!!)
    4. You can also make use of system restore. System restore allows you to go back to a point in time when your computer used to work perfectly. To access system restore click windows + E > right click on "This PC"  > properties > system protection >  system restore.
    5. If you don’t have a working antivirus and you don’t want to lose your data there is still a way out for you. Click on the start option, search for cmd and right click it to run it as an administrator. Input the drive you want to check for viruses (eg. “C:”). Then type “ attrib –r –s –h  /s /d " and click enter. This will unhide all data in the drive except data which belongs to the system. After it has completed open the drive and check for files that you do not recognize or those which look odd to you.

PLEASE NOTE: There is a virus spreading around called “Ground”.  Here is the process you have to follow to remove it.
1.       Open control panel > appearance and personalization > folder options > view > show hidden files and folders. 
2.       Hit apply and the disk where you have installed your windows > users > AppData > Roaming >Ground. Then delete the ground file. J
3.       If you are using windows 8 /8.1 /10 just open windows defender and scan your computer.  This will fix all the programs that have been affected by the virus.
4.       If you are using windows 7 and below or any other antivirus you will have to open all your applications on by one and delete any file that has a size of 522 kb. After that you will have to use step 5 above to recover the original application.
5.       After you have done all this you can now hide your files and folders once more.