Friday, May 20, 2016

Today  I am going to show you guys how to create a wireless network on your windows machines (7, 8, 8.1).
This network can be used to share files between the computers and also can be used by gamers to connect the two or more machines to play the games on a LAN network. I will help you through the steps to make the network and how you can gain access to it.
  1. Ensure that you are the admin of the machine you are to create the network with. (Or at least know the admin’s password.) 
  2. Click on your windows button and search for cmd.
  3. Right click on the cmd and choose the “run as admin” option.
  4. It will prompt you and you will have to say yes for it to work as we need it to.
  5. Then type “netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid=Abu key=1234 mode=allow” .
  1. Note that "Abu" is the network name you want to set, while "1234" is the password you would like to have (it should have more than 6 characters for it to work). And press enter.
  2. Now type “netsh wlan start hosted network”. And press enter.

  1. Now you have a network that is operational and you can go ahead and connect to the machine using another laptop and play games or access the files.

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